February 23, 2016

Unified Evaluation of Display Campaigns in DSP


If we use our resources to buy banner ads and want to have a unified evaluation in Google Analytics, it is necessary to have uniform UTM tags in links.

If we use similar UTMs in all campaigns and for all directed paid ads, we can evaluate everything in Google Analytics. For directed paid banners we recommend using AdServer. By using AdServer, we receive more information than we would merely from Google Analytics. We will thereby gain more functionality for banners, as well as for story-telling.

A final evaluation could be for a retargeting campaign. For example:


Or, similarly, for a prospective campaign in which Post View parameters are more important:


For Post View parameters, it is usually necessary to use AdServer.

Examples of Tags

We are using UTM tagging for this model:


Some variables can be set automatically. For example, in AdForm we use:

?utm_source=RTB_AdForm&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=%%ADFBANGROUP1%%&utm_term=RTG&utm_campaign= %%ADFPLA%%

AdWords can use an automatic tagging system; but be careful when naming campaigns to keep data in Analytics consistent with other DSPs.

We use AdForm AdServer for all directed paid banners from publishers.

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